About Us Style 2

what we do

Our Mission

St. Raphael

Wir begleiten Sie liebevoll durch Tag und Nacht

Die 24-Stunden-Betreuung zu Hause ist für Menschen gedacht, die rund um die Uhr Betreuung brauchen und weiterhin ‚daheim‘ leben möchten. Die 24-Stunden-Betreuung von St. Raphael bietet daher vor Ort-Betreuung rund um die Uhr. Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen kümmern sich liebevoll und kompetent um pflegebedürftige Menschen.
Biljana Begusch


T: 0676-5532779
the church

Our History

Holy Church has a long history of being a community of people who love God, love their city and desire to be a church that is relevant with an outward focus where all are welcomed. Holy Church has a long history of being a community of people who love God, love their city and desire to be a church that is relevant with an outward focus where all are welcomed.
What’s New?

“Jesus Followers”a new book from Christain Green

The spirit of sisterhood is seen and felt in the fervent prayer of thousands of girls who faithfully uphold nations where injustice and darkness rage out of control. It is seen and felt in young women being inspired by the wisdom and grace of their mothers and the women ahead of them in this journey of life.
People in the service

Our Team

Vanessa Simpson


Rebecca Smith


David Lunsford
